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Illustfolio Lumina Docs

Getting Started

Posting Works


Creating Pages

Publishing the Site

Recommended Settings

Update the Theme


Release Notes

Illustfolio Lumina - The Portfolio Site Template for Illustrators

Illustfolio Lumina / Legal

Can I modify the HTML or CSS?

Yes. You can modify it freely.

Can I use for mature content?

It follows Tumblr's terms of use.

Currently, Tumblr allows mature content as long as you label the posts with "Community Label."

Mature / NSFW Content

Can I use it on multiple Tumblr blogs?

Yes, there is no limit on the number of blogs you can use it on. However, only the purchaser can use the theme.

It cannot be used for the following purposes:

End User License Agreement (EULA)

Can I reorder my posts?

There are two ways to change the order of posts.

  1. Use pinned posts

This feature allows you to pin any one post.

Pinned Posts

  1. Change the posting date

You can change the order of posts by changing the publication date of the posts.

Backdated Posts

Since Tumblr does not provide any other methods for changing the order of posts, Illustfolio Lumina does not offer any features related to reordering.

Can I get a refund?

Refunds are not accepted.

Terms based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act

The theme is not applied when viewing from the Tumblr app

This is due to Tumblr's specifications. The theme is not applied when viewed from the app.

The redirect for "Create Page" doesn't work well

Due to Tumblr's specifications, new accounts may not be able to use the redirect feature to prevent spam (from Help). For detailed conditions, please contact Tumblr support as I cannot provide specific answers.

I want to reduce the line spacing when I press the Return key within a page

If you don't need the extra space when creating a new paragraph with the Return key, use the Shift + Return key to break the line within the same paragraph.

Note that this behavior is due to Tumblr's specifications (many general text editors also behave similarly).

Other Questions

Please contact me from the "Feedback / Contact" section on the home page of this document site.

<aside> 🤯 Having trouble?

Did you encounter any difficulties? Please let me know! You can inform me through the ‘Feedback/Contact’ section on the top page of this document.
